Focus on What Matters


Today, as children around the world face the triple threat of conflict, climate change and economic instability, 783 million people don't know where their next meal will come from. With a rising tide of violence—from Afghanistan to Sudan and Ukraine to Gaza—forcing families from their homes, everything must be done to protect all children.

Save the Children is working around the clock to deliver lifesaving aid to children in the U.S. and around the world but we can't do it alone. Give today—your gift can make 5X the difference.

  • $50 - can provide 10 50 warm, cozy blankets to children affected by conflict
  • $100 - can provide a book and a meal to 20 100 children
  • $300 - can provide shelter materials for 2 10 families displaced by extreme weather

A generous group of donors has donated to a matching gift fund to inspire more donors like you to support our mission, and every dollar you donate will unlock $5 from this pool.*

Help children fight for their childhoods. Donate today.

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