Fun Fundraisers

CO+I APAC ACTober GIVE Campaign


Get ready to ACT this ACTober CO+I! We are so excited to be fundraising for Save the Children!  We are part of a community of supporters who will stop at nothing to help Save the Children get closer to their goal of reaching every last child. 
For over 100 years, Save the Children has done whatever it takes to create a world where no young child dies from a preventable cause, all children learn from a quality basic education, and violence against children is not tolerated. We are proud to do our part to ensure that every child has the best chance for a bright future. Save the Children has initiatives right here in the APAC region that work towards giving children most in today a brighter future for tomorrow.

So, get walking, running, cycling, swimming or even get your yoga on. We just want you to get active to help Save the Children create a future for kids everywhere.
Thank you for being a part of something great!
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