Fun Fundraisers

Gian Wild
Gian Wild

Gian Wild's NaNoWriMo 2019


In 2008 I wrote a series of short stories for National Novel Writing Month. The topic was “Random Acts of Kindness”. Each story was about various acts of kindness by friends, family, medical practitioners and strangers.

This year, eleven years later, I am also writing a series of short stories for NaNoWriMo. This year the topic is “Fates, Futures and Fantasies”. I have thirty days (well, 27, as I started late!) to write 50,000 words. That’s a lot of words! So I need your help! I need ideas, and if you have no ideas, then just give me an anecdote, or an idea of what you want your future to look like. You can also ask me to write about a particular person, or use a certain name etc.

This year, as in 2008, I am again raising money for Save The Children. It’s up to you what you would like to donate, but if you’re not sure then here are some ideas:

  • $5 for naming a main character
  • $10 for a story idea
  • $5 for each 10,000 words that I write (the maximum would be $25)

Funds raised will help save children's lives in the United States and around the world:

  • $200 raised can help provide ready-to-use food to help save malnourished children
  • $300 raised can help provide healthcare essentials to a school clinic serving hundreds of children
  • $500 raised can provide a bookcase full of children's books to help children learn to read

But if you can’t contribute that’s okay. I still want to hear your ideas. And if you don’t have any, I would still love to hear what you have to say about my stories! All stories are posted to my web site:

This year I am starting a little differently, with a business plan for a company that I think could do some real good in the world today:


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